"Mexicateahui" Pieza para Ensamble instrumental y sonidos electrónicos con transformación en tiempo real.
Jueves 17 de junio de 2004 en el Anfiteatro X de la Universidad Saint Denis Paris VIII (Francia).
Viernes 18 de junio de 2004 en el Teatro Gerard Philiphe Saint Denis – (Francia).
Flauta: Sophie Dardeau,
Clarinete: Ivan Solano,
Acordeón: Esteban Algora,
Violonchelo: Guilerme Carvalho,
Percusión: Elisa Human.
"Mexicateahui" Piece for instrumental Ensemble and electronic sounds with transformation in real time.
Thursday June 17, 2004 at the Amphitheater X of the Saint Denis University Paris VIII (France).
Friday June 18, 2004 at the Gerard Philiphe Saint Denis Theater - (France).
Flute: Sophie Dardeau,
Clarinet: Ivan Solano,
Accordion: Esteban Algora,
Cello: Guilerme Carvalho,
Percussion: Elisa Human,
Piece for instrumental Ensemble and electronic sounds with transformation in real time.
Performed on Thursday June 17, 2004 at the Amphitheater X of the Saint Denis University Paris VIII (France), and on Friday June 18, 2004 at the Gerard Philiphe Saint Denis Theater - (France). flute: Sophie Dardeau, clarinet: Ivan Solano, accordion: Esteban Algora, cello: Guilerme Carvalho, percussion: Elisa Human, (attached program)